Daily Archives: December 18, 2015

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Surveying Frisco TX: Don’t Let Boundaries Issues Surprise You

Surveying Frisco TX helps to ensure that your property won’t come into conflict with boundary issues, gaps, overlays or easement problems. At John Cowan & Associates, we make sure you have a thorough survey that covers all the things you need to know whether you’re building from scratch or buying an existing property. Don’t go without a survey on your property.  The peace of mind you get from knowing exactly what is included, where the lines of your property are and what all that includes are worth any cost. Call us today at (972) 635-4300 to schedule your survey with the Read more
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Land Surveying Frisco TX: 5 Reasons A House Location Survey Matters

When purchasing a home, many buyers think the existing copy of the plat is sufficient. However, what most do not realize is that things have likely changed on the property since the previous survey was made. In too many cases, the perceived boundaries, from fences to tree lines, differ greatly from the original recorded boundaries. Contacting a land surveying Frisco TX company like John Cowan & Associates can help expose issues before you buy. Here are 5 reasons to obtain a survey before it’s too late. Reasons for Land Surveying Frisco TX Confirm Property Location and Existence Combined with the Read more
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Surveying Frisco TX: Avoid Legal Headaches with a Boundary Survey

One of the most common non-commercial uses for land surveying Frisco TX is the boundary survey. A boundary survey determines the boundary of your property relative to your neighbor’s. In the absence of an understanding of these boundaries, potentially legal disputes and misunderstandings may fester and flourish. Therefore, it is imperative that property owners understand the precise limits of their property, especially when considering any improvements or amendments that could possibly encroach upon those boundaries. What is boundary surveying Frisco TX? This type of survey is used to establish the extent of your property, with particular importance placed on the Read more