Tag : residential surveyors frisco tx

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Is Getting a Residential Property Survey Worth the Cost?

Before you buy or build a home, don’t trust a fence over a residential property survey in Frisco, TX. Costs can seem to add up quickly when purchasing a home and getting a property survey may seem like just one more unnecessary cost when there’s already a fence marking your property line. Here are 4 reasons that a residential property survey is worth the cost: •  Possible encroachments down the road •  Possible property line or corner disputes •  Protects a valuable investment •  Shows any improvements made to the land The purchase of your home is an expensive investment; help protect it with Read more
0 3332

Why a Property Survey is Crucial for New Homebuyers

You’ve found the perfect home and had your offer accepted but don’t skip having a property survey performed in Frisco, TX just because it seems like an unnecessary task. So many future headaches that concern elements that can be found on your property survey can be alleviated by having it done when you buy. Here are some scenarios that can be easily resolved if you have a property survey done: •  Encroachments •  Easements •  Boundary disputes •  Fence Construction Avoid the confusion and legal problems by having John Cowan & Associates conduct your property survey. Call us at (972)635-4300 today to schedule an Read more
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Property Survey Frisco TX: What it Tells You About Your Property

Often people don’t realize just how much a property survey in Frisco, TX can do for them. Commonly, homeowners will have their property surveyed just before they decide to put it up for sale. This kind of survey is intended to establish the property’s boundary lines so both seller and buyer can know the specific amount of property that they are selling. However, property surveys can be used to tell you much more about your property than just where the boundary lines are. Overlaps and Gaps In addition to determining the boundary line, surveys also determine whether or not there Read more
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Property Survey In Frisco, TX: Top 5 Reasons To Have Your Property Surveyed

The old adage, ‘good fences make good neighbors,’ is as true today as it was when it was said for the first time.  Today, however, that adage should be appended with ‘but a good property survey in Frisco, TX makes great neighbors.’  Why is a survey for your North Texas property so important to a great relationship with your neighbors?  Because knowing exactly what’s yours and what’s theirs keeps strife to a minimum.  But friendly neighborly relations aren’t the only reason to have your property surveyed.  Here are the top five reasons property owners like you should seek a property Read more